
» study


    The memset function is used when you want to assign a value to a contiguous memory in a specific range, it can be faster than the for statement.
        (can be -> because it depends on compiler and computer architecture)

    #include <string.h>
    void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num );
        ptr : Start pointer (start address) of memory to be filled 
        value: The value you want to fill in the memory. Although it is int type, it is converted to unsigned char (1 byte) and stored internally.
        num: The number of bytes to fill. In other words, the amount of memory to be filled

    ex) memset(char ptr[20], 26, sizeof(ptr));
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
    domain: protocol family to use
    type: type of socket to use in the protocol
    protocol: udp or tcp

        Make UDP Socket
            PF_INET: IPv4 Internet Protocol Family
            SOCK_DGRAM: Datagram Socket      
            IPPROTO_UDP: Datagram Socket