Apr 28, 2021
Weekly Goal
1. One day, One commit
2. Geo-Diff analysis Finish
Today I do
Linux RL setting
backup my old linux server
in my hard-drive
How was Today
I have had problems booting Linux since yesterday.
Yesterday I installed Linux and tried to move the existing Linux system,
but the restoration was not successful, so a grub problem occurred at boot time.
When I tried to solve the grub problem, there was a problem that the kernel was not installed,
and I tried to solve it, but it was not solved well.
First of all, I want to back up the backup from the old Linux computer,
and on the new computer, the new Linux system.
어제부터 리눅스 부팅에 문제가 있었다.
어제 리눅스를 깔고 기존 리눅스 시스템을 옮기려 하였는데, 복원이 잘되지 않아 부팅시 grub문제가 발생하였다.
grub 문제를 해결하려 했을 때, kernel이 설치되지 않은 문제가 있었고, 이를 해결하려 했으나 잘해결되지 않았다.
일단, 백업을 다시 기존 리눅스 컴퓨터로부터 백업 해놓고, 새 컴퓨터에는 새 리눅스 시스템에서 하려고 한다.
I will do
Policy and Value based Agent chapter
Policy Gradient Algorithm
Change git Thema -> https://dnddnjs.gitbooks.io/rl/content/numerical_methods.html